
These notes are for a half-day short course in econometrics using Stan. The main reason to learn Stan is to fit models that are difficult to fit using other software. Such models might include models with high-dimensional random effects (about which we want to draw inference), models with complex or multi-stage likelihoods, or models with latent data structures. A second reason to learn Stan is that you want to conduct Bayesian analysis on workhorse models; perhaps you have good prior information, or are attracted to the possibility of making probabilistic statements about predictions and parameter estimates.

While this second reason is worthwhile, it is not the aim of this course. This course introduces a few workhorse models in order to give you the skills to build richer models that extract the most information from your data. There are three sessions:

  1. An introduction to Bayesian reasoning, MCMC/HMC, and Stan.
  2. An introduction to Modern Statistical Workflow, using a time-series model as the example.
  3. Applying the workflow to a more complex model—in this case, aggregate random coefficients logit.

These notes have a few idiosyncracies:

Tricks and shortcuts will look like this

The code examples live in the models/ folder of the book’s repository, (https://github.com/khakieconomics/shortcourse/models).

We use two computing languages in these notes. The first is Stan, a powerful modeling language that allows us to express and estimate probabilistic models with continuous parameter spaces. Stan programs are prefaced with their location in the models/ folder, like so:

// models/model_1.stan
// ...  model code here

We also use the R language, for data preparation, calling Stan models, and visualising model results. R programs live in the scripts/ folder; they typically read data from the data/ folder, and liberally use magrittr syntax with dplyr. If this syntax is unfamiliar to you, it is worth taking a look at the excellent vignette to the dplyr package. Like the Stan models, all R code in the book is prefaced with its location in the book’s directory.

# scripts/intro.R
# ... data work here

It is not necessary to be an R aficionado to make the most of these notes. Stan programs can be called from within Stata, Matlab, Mathematica, Julia and Python. If you are more comfortable using those languages than R for data preparation work, then you should be able to implement all the models in this book using those interfaces. Further documentation on calling Stan from other environments is available at http://mc-stan.org/interfaces/.

While Stan can be called quite easily from these other programming environments, the R implementation is more fully-fleshed—especially for model checking and post-processing. For this reason we use the R implementation of Stan, rstan in this book.